Friday, September 19, 2008


I spoke with the landlord yesterday & found out that the people on the first floor said they had these things A YEAR AGO!!!!!!!!

A YEAR AGO!!!!!!!

WTF!? These things have been making their way through the building for A YEAR!!!! and noone stopped them before they came to me? Noone else is complaining except for me!? I am appauled and angry.

Also - I have been speaking w/ one of the neighbors. At first I could not get her to acknowlege the situation or check her apartment. Yesterday she tells me that she has no bugs. MY ASS!!! I happen to know that the unit next to hers and the unit above hers are both infested. I find it very difficult to believe she doesn't have them too.

People don't know the signs & they think they will see bugs. Sorry folks, most people that have them don't see them. You have to look for the signs & you have to really come to terms with the fact that this can happen to you. Any less for a renter in a multi-unit building is flat out IRRESPONSIBLE!

Anyway - this neighbor is upset that we are being fumigated. She doesn't have time for this. She doesn't want to get fumigated. WTF!!!!???? Do you think she will take the time to wash her linens, laundry, clean her bed? I don't! Do you think she really doesn't have the bugs? I don't! I do think she will spoil our efforts and help to reinfest. Plus she wants to move (because of the inconvenience) so watch out renters, she may be moving to a unit near you.

Oh!!!!!! Also - she was going to take my infested bed out of the dumpster. This bed was HEAVILY infested. Both the PCO & the Health Dept said it had to go. I cried as I thought about it. I was devistated to let that beautiful, NEWish piece of furniture go. Why would I throw it away if it wasn't integral? But this chik figured wood, would be okay - (wood is the WORST- the f*rs are like termites.

This experience is making me REALLY hate people. How gross for my neighbors to have this problem for a year and not try to fix it. How gross for this lush to want to fish my bed out of a dumpster, knowing that it was infested (that sh*t's gross times 2). How gross for these people to feel more inconvenienced by the fumigation process than by the bugs. I say let these disgusting scumbags have the building to themeslves.

In the immortal words of Cartman :)~ "screw you guys, i'm outta here"

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