Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What a Waste

All that work in my last post....was a total waste.

After boiling, sealing, inspecting, etc. I found another bug in my apartment.

Did it come out of my stuff? I don't know
Did it come off of the carpet? I don't know
Did it come out of the wall? I don't know
Does it have an enormous family hangnin' out somewhere nearby? probably

Could they possibly get into my stuff, despite the plastic? of course - all it takes is one little hole, one little spot that I missed & my new house will be infested.

I had to throw it all away... couch, tvs, pc, plates, dishes, toys, games, EVERYTHING!

I am so bummed :( I hate the bugs & I hate the cursed neighbors that brought them & did nothing about it.

When I moved into this apartment I thought my life was going to change for the better - ha! what a freakin' joke!